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about baby jess

Jessica's work has been in exhibited in various shows and cities including San Francisco, Chicago and the greater Denver Area. She has been featured in multiple blogs and articles including international publication Create! Magazine, The Boulder Daily Camera, 303 Magazine and Clover and Bee Magazine. Jessica lives and works in Denver from her home studio and continues to expand the Baby Jess Universe! 

Artist Statement

Baby Jess Art is a universe of magical paintings composed of dreamworlds that are filled with undiscovered landscapes, surreal moons and whimsical flora and fauna. Inspired by my life, my dreams and the magical feeling of wonder, Baby Jess is  intended to enchant audiences of all ages.

I use acrylics and watercolors in vibrant and ethereal color palettes to recreate a sense of wonder. Light plays a pivotal role in evoking a magical feeling throughout each piece. I accomplish this in various ways such as painting ombre skies, glowing lights dancing across the canvas and moonlight. The moon has been an inspiration for my art since I was young. Using it as a recurring motif in my work brings me comfort and evokes nostalgia. I paint the moon in surreal colors with its light shining upon the world below to add an element of awe and magic. Equally inspired by nature and plants, I incorporate floral elements throughout each piece fluctuating in vibrancy to create movement and whimsy. With the use of majestic creatures such as owls and bees, I add a playfulness that evokes a sense of nostalgia and youth. Every painting is finished with the addition of iridescent gold details, as if sprinkled with fairy dust, it heightens the effect of light and magic.

The worlds I create are intended to capture a feeling of wonder, nostalgia and dreams. Within the uncertainty of reality, my creative process allows me to hold on to memories and feelings passing me by and reinvent them inside a new world where they can be treasured forever. These worlds have become a time capsule of the magical moments that fill my soul and have grown into a universe that invites you to reflect, to dream and always be young at heart.

Follow @babyjessart on IG or sign up for her newsletter to stay up to date on markets, special events/promotions and get the latest on what's happening inside the Baby Jess Universe! 





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Return Policy

Baby Jess does not accept returns. If an item is damaged in transit I will happily replace it if possible.